Avalon 27 ft. Funship Tri-toon Waterslide 150 hp Pontoon Boat Boat 72E is great for tubing or for skiing! maximum capacity 18 people (14 comfortably or 12 plus coolers) 150 hp electronic fuel injected Suzuki four-s ...

#78 Limo Tri-Toon Slow Tow & Slide 31 ft. 70 hp 2009 (three pontoons instead of two), lifting strakes (for enhanced handling and planing effect), . Featuring a 23 person maximum capacity (18 people comfortably) tota ...

A FLAGSHIP of Gilligan's Boats- #80 AVALON FUNSHIP . 27 ft. Tri-toon upper deck and slide 140 hp (FANTABULOUS for pulling both large and small people on single or double tubes, fantastic for skiing and wonderful for ...

FLAGSHIP of Gilligan's Boats- #81 AVALON FUNSHIP . 27 ft. Tri-toon upper deck and slide 150 hp (FANTABULOUS for pulling both large and small people on single or double tubes, fantastic for skiing and wonderful for kn ...

FLAGSHIP of Gilligan's Boats- #82 AVALON FUNSHIP . 27 ft. Tri-toon upper deck and slide 150 hp (FANTABULOUS for pulling both large and small people on single or double tubes, fantastic for skiing and wonderful for k ...

#31 Family Tri-toon Slow Tow & Slide 24 ft. 2006 Leisure 240 Meridian pontoon boat utilizes a Suzuki 50 hp 4-stroke Electronic Fuel Injected outboard motor;. #31 seats are well worn and weathered but comfortable nonet ...

#32 Family Tri-toon Slow Tow & Slide 24 ft. 2006 Leisure 240 Meridian pontoon boat utilizes a Suzuki 50 hp 4-stroke Electronic Fuel Injected outboard motor;. With a USCG maximum capacity rating of up to 12 passengers ...

#33 Family Tri-toon Slow Tow & Slide 24 ft. 2006 Leisure 240 Meridian pontoon boat utilizes a Suzuki 50 hp 4-stroke Electronic Fuel Injected outboard motor;. With a USCG maximum capacity rating of up to 12 passengers ...

#70 2001 model year 30 ft. in length seats up to 19 people maximum, 15 comfortably. Boat #70 is well worn and somewhat rustic offering an abundance of older "store-bought" sofa seating including two long front sofa ...

#71 Party Deck & Slide Barge 30 ft. 2001 is powered by a 60hp Suzuki electronic fuel injected four-stroke outboard motor. #71 seats up to 19 people maximum, 15 comfortably. Offering an abundance of cushy soft comfortab ...

#77 Landau Elite Tri-Toon slow tow & Slide 27 ft. 2005 waterslide Pontoon Boat MOTOR: New 2021 Suzuki Electronic Fuel Injected 60 hp 4-stroke outboard, 15 person maximum capacity (12 people comfortably) Tri-toon t ...

#79 Limo Tri-Toon (three pontoons instead of two), lifting strakes (for enhanced handling and planing effect), Tow & Slide 31 ft. 60 hp 2009 Featuring a 23 person maximum capacity (18 people comfortably). Total capacity ...