Boat Maintenance & Repair
Rely on the Gilligan's Boats Maintenance & Repair Department for your boat, motor and trailer maintenance & repair needs.
Gilligan's Boats Maintains & Repairs:
Suzuki - Tohatsu - Nissan - Yamaha - Mercury - MerCruiser - Force - Evinrude - Johnson
Gilligan's Boats Labor Rate:
$79 per hour $79 minimum
Boat hauling, pickup or delivery: $ 4.59 per mile one way
Gilligan's Boats Trailer Maintenance:
Having your boat trailer maintained is a must. Gilligan's Boats technician will disassemble your trailer's hubs, clean and lubricate the bearings, inspect the seals, and if applicable, maintenance your trailer brakes.
Trailer Maintenance - $199.00 (Per Axle without Brakes)
Trailer Maintenance - $299.00 (Per Axle with Brakes)
Brake Maintenance - $399.00
Boat Care:
Shrink Wrapping $19.99 per linear foot
Pontoon Aluminum Tube Cleaning $19.99 per linear foot
Carpet Cleaning $ 1 .99 per square foot plus materials
Seat Cleaning $2.99 per square foot plus materials
Marine Vinyl UV Treatment $ .99 per square ft. plus materials
Boat Valet (trailered boats)
Launch (up to 28ft.) $149
Retrieval (up to 28ft.) $149
Spring Seasonal Motor Maintenance:
Outboard $199 plus parts
Inboard $499 plus parts
Winter Seasonal Motor Maintenance:
2-25hp outboard motor $189.00 plus parts
25-125hp outboard motor $199.00 plus parts
135hp + outboard motor $299.00 plus parts
4 stroke outboard motor $299.00 plus parts, oil change included
Inboard Motor Winter Preparation Maintenance:
(Winter prep motor only)
(winter prep motor & motor oil change; outdrive maintenance NOT included*)
*Outdrive maintenance: outdrive being removed and gimble bearing lubed. (starting at $179 plus parts)
Basic | Complete | |
4 Cylinder | $279.00 | $489.00 |
6 Cylinder | $289.00 | $499.00 |
8 Cylinder | $299.00 | $499.00 |